Falls are the leading cause of injury in adults aged 65 and over.

BEFORE THE FALL™ is a Physical Therapy practice and training program to help you regain the kinds of dynamic balance skills that you need for everyday activities, like walking, stepping over obstacles, up and down steps and the like.

The program was created by Naomi Azulay—a Physical Therapist in practice since 1980—and is based on the most current research on balance, gait, and fall prevention.

Before the Fall™ home training program
now available on video 

Watch the Trailer

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“The Before The Fall–Balance, Strength & Fall Prevention Training program addresses and meets a substantial need of all older adults, anyone at risk for falling and the health care providers that care for them.  The videos contain a comprehensive and robust set of exercises and information that is at the same time scientifically evidence based and practical. 

The easy to follow format allows patients to mitigate the risk of falling by following a step-by-step program with clear demonstrations at each step in the process.  ….Naomi Azulay has shared her expertise and experience in creating a program that is an invaluable resource for patients and health care providers. [Read more…]”

Mark Thomas, MD
Program Director, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine
Montefiore Medical Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Before the Fall™ Physical Therapy Practice
1365 York Ave. Suite P-2
New York, NY

BEFORE THE FALL™ Physical Therapy includes:

  1. A comprehensive evaluation to identify key factors that are affecting your ability to balance.
  2. One on one training sessions in a comfortable studio setting, tailored to your particular needs.
  3. Simple but challenging balance exercises that help you avoid tripping, walk safely on uneven sidewalks and recover from a misstep without falling.
  4. Activities to enhance your strength, endurance and independence in everyday life.

Contact Naomi Azulay to inquire about Before the Fall™ Physical Therapy 


“As a personal trainer I found the exercises in the Before the Fall training program to be very applicable to my clientele and to myself, a fit 74 year old. The motor skills Naomi teaches are timeless reminders of how to move safely in daily life. To remember to initiate a sit-to-stand squat with a contraction of the glutes is basic anytime you rise from a seated position. And consciously practicing a heel strike prevents a fall while walking or running, especially on an uneven surface. This I know having previously fallen twice on the same uneven surface before taking Naomi’s program!”

Joan Pagano
Author of Strength Training Exercises for Women
Fitness consultant and trainer

Watch the Free Introduction

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