Before the Fall™ Director:
Naomi Azulay, PT, MA, CEEAA

Professional Education

Physical Therapy Program
Columbia University

Advanced Masters Degree Program in Developmental Disabilities
New York University

Certified Exercise Expert for Aging Adults                                               American Physical Therapy Association, Geriatrics Section

Naomi Azulay began her Physical Therapy career in 1980 with a background in yoga and dance. 

She has been in private practice since 1997 on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Naomi’s interest in balance training came as a result of treating older adults for chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis. As patients improved and could function with less pain, many confided in her that they could not increase their walking because they were afraid of falling. 

“Walking is such an essential activity for health and for staying independent. But when you are dealing with uneven sidewalks, potholes and the like, it can turn what should be a healthful, enjoyable activity into one that you are at risk for falls.”

Naomi launched Before the Fall™ in 2010 to provide quality assessment and one-on-one training for older adults who are at risk for falls. She utilized current concepts of motor control and motor learning (our ability to direct and adapt our own movements) to develop a new approach for balance training and fall prevention, one that emphasizes dynamic balance skills needed to walk safely in everyday challenging environments.

To learn more about the principles behind the Before the Fall™ approach, watch the introductory video below.

Thumbnail for Introduction Video

Naomi has conducted seminars in fall prevention and balance training for seniors at the 92nd Street Y, HealthOutreach of NYP/Weill Cornell and the Brookdale
Center for Healthy Aging at Hunter College.